
When will I receive my order?
Deliveries are expected within 3 weeks from the purchase date.
You will receive a shipping confirmation email when your order leaves our warehouse.
In the email, you will find the tracking code of the courier service selected by F2O. The tracking code, which allows you to track your shipment, will be activated 12 hours after receiving the email.

What are the shipping costs?
Shipping in Italy: Free
Standard shipping to the rest of the world: €15
Free shipping to the rest of the world: for orders over €200
Delivery of the item is guaranteed within 21 days from payment.

Does F2O deliver to P.O. boxes or post office addresses?
To protect your purchase, we cannot send orders to P.O. boxes or post office addresses. Please provide a shipping address where delivery can be guaranteed, and someone will be available to sign for the order.

Is it possible to ship to multiple addresses?
We do not offer shipping to multiple addresses for a single online order. Please place separate orders for each address.

Will I be notified when the order is shipped?
After the order is shipped, you will receive a shipping confirmation email containing the tracking code of the courier service selected by F2O. With the tracking code, you can check the status of your shipment at any time.
The activation of the tracking code may take up to 12 hours from the time the shipping confirmation email is sent. The email will also include the order invoice. Your credit card will be charged upon receiving the email.

Can I track my order?
Yes. Once your order is shipped, we will send you a confirmation email with the tracking code that you can use on the website of the courier service selected by F2O. The activation of the tracking code may take up to 12 hours from the time the shipping confirmation email is sent. Thanks to the tracking code, you can check the status of your shipment at any time.